Additional Supplementary Table 1: Boundaries of Y chromosome inverted repeats and palindromes

or inverted repeat
Proximal outer boundary Proximal inner boundary Distal inner boundary Distal outer boundary
P1 AF334537 AF334527* AF334526* AF334540
P2 AF334536 AF334527* AF334526* AF334537
P3 AF334532 AF334528 AF334529 AY341841
P4 AF334574 AF334565 AF334566 AF334573
P5 AF334575 AF334567* AF334568* AF334574
P6 AF334570 AF334571 AF334572 AF334569
P7 AY341837 AY341839 AY341840 AY341838
P8 AF334561 AF334563* AF334564* AF334562
P1.1 AF334531 AF334541* AF334542* AF334530
P1.2 AF334530 AF334541* AF334542* AF334531
IR1 AY341830
Distal boundary
of Yp unit
Proximal boundary
of Yp unit
Proximal boundary
of Yq unit
Distal boundary
of Yq unit
IR2 AY341833 AY341835 AY341836 AY341834
IR3 AF334553 AF334552 AF334549 AF334548
IR4 Distal boundary
of Yp unit
Proximal boundary
of Yp unit
Proximal boundary
of Yq unit
Distal boundary
of Yq unit
IR5 (in P1) Proximal boundary
of proximal unit
Distal boundary
of proximal unit
Proximal boundary
of distal unit
Distal boundary
of distal unit
IR5 (in P5) Proximal boundary
of proximal unit
& & Distal boundary
of distal unit

*Precise orientation of the spacer is unknown
&Other two boundaries are within the spacer of polindrome P5