Supplementary Information for
San Roman AK, Godfrey AK, Skaletsky H, Bellott DW, Groff AF, Harris HL, Blanton LV, Hughes JF, Brown LG, Phou S, Buscetta A, Kruszka P, Banks N, Dutra A, Pak E, Lasutschinkow PC, Keen C, Davis SM, Tartaglia NR, Samango-Sprouse C, Muenke M, Page DC
The human inactive X chromosome modulates expression of the active X chromosome
- Document S1: Figures S1-S19
- Table S1: Metadata for euploid and aneuploid samples with RNA sequencing, related to Figure 1 and Table 1
- Table S2: Linear regression results for expressed PAR and NPX genes, related to Figures 2 and S3-S5
- Table S3: Linear regression results for expressed PAR and NPX transcript isoforms, related to Figures 2 and S7
- Table S4: Linear regression results for expressed NPY genes, related to Figures 3 and S10
- Table S5: Linear regression results for expressed Chr 21 genes, related to Figures 3 and S11
- Table S6: Allelic ratios and statistics for informative Chr X genes, related to Figures 4 and S12-S19
- Table S7: Expression constraint metrics for PAR1 and NPX genes, related to Figure 5 and Table 2